Servicing residents of Seekonk, Massachusetts , Millions of men, women & even children suffer from hereditary hair loss. At some point in their life, 2 out of every three will be faced with hair thinning, hair loss due to aging and hereditary factors, or hair loss related to a “medical” condition or illness.
New technologies, human hair alternatives, and synthetic fibers have never been more fabulous and natural looking. Today’s hair alternatives and additions are non-damaging to your natural hair, invisible to the naked eye, and incredibly light weight. From “Red Carpet” fashions to “everyday” thickening and lengthening, fine hair can be seamlessly blended to your natural hair to add length, volume, and natural looking elegance.
- Invisible Hair Loss Solutions for Women, Men & Children
- You are cared for by “Certified” staff-over 30 years experience
- Free, Private Consultations (Determine your best course of action)
- Permanent Solutions to Aging and Medical Hair Loss
- Choice of Human or Synthetic Fibers
- Laser Hair Therapy (stimulates growth and thickening)
- Wigs ~ Weaves ~ Partials ~ Hair Restoration Seekonk, Massachusetts ~ Hairline Fill-Ins
- Professional color matching to your own hair
- Medical Hair Grafts (micro-surgical hair transplantation of your own hair)
- Quick-Clip Hairpieces
We also carry a complete line of fashionable head turbans and caps for you to choose from!
Let Miss Vicky and her staff help with your hair loss problems. They are knowledgeable in the numerous solutions available to make you once again feel good about yourself by restoring your confidence lost in your looks due to hair loss and thinning. Hair replacement & hair treatment Seekonk, Massachusetts